Leo Landscape Studio 的使命是为人们提供庭院景观设计服务,让每个人都能充分享受他们的室外空间。

我们相信自然环境的治愈力量,在和谐中,我们放松、恢复活力并补充能量。作为庭院景观设计师,我们平衡您的梦想与现实,以科学与创意进行战略规划;给你一个你真正应得的空间。 通过我们的景观设计,我们希望表达 我们对自然的尊重,我们对简单的追求,我们对生活的热爱。
Principle Designer:
Spencer Liu
Spencer is a Landscape Designer with a Biomedical Science degree; graduated from Niagara College’s Horticulture Technician program, she has worked as a Gardener in Niagara and as a Landscape Designer for an award-winning Design&Build landscape company in Hamilton. Her design style is versatile with experience in handling over a hundred projects of various sizes and styles. She has a unique approach to design: “I thrive to balance strategic planning and aesthetic creation. “

我们认识到我们的角色超越了四堵墙,这就是为什么我们致力于有意识地努力回馈支持我们的社区。我们帮助任何规模的非营利 组织在预算紧张或预算有限的情况下创建共享户外空间。我们以较低的小时费率提供服务,以最好地实现我们在所有项目中的卓越表现。